Bio-Bits Biological Pond Filter Media by American Pond
25 cubic foot of Bio-bits ships by freight on pallet - 12,500 Sq. Ft. - Ships to US Mainland only - cannot ship to HI, AK, PR, or outlying islands along US Coasts
The key to a clear, great looking pond is in the health of your pond water. The single best way to keep your pond water healthy is by having a strong vibrant colony of beneficial bacteria. Beneficial Bacillus bacteria break down Ammonia, Phosphates and Nitrites in your water that lead to bad water quality and frequent algae blooms. The larger and more active you colony of beneficial bacteria is the less problems you will have with water quality and fish disease.
In order to achieve a thriving colony of bacteria Pond professionals and do it yourselfers alike use biological filtration products. These filter medias may include Bio balls, ceramic beads, ribbons, or filter pad material. The goal is to create the most amount of surface area possible for the bacteria to establish and grow their colony on.
American Pond is proud to offer an economical solution to large quantities of biological filter material. Using freshly ground bits of filter pads American Pond produces long lasting bio media that achieves a tremendous amount of surface area for your beneficial bacteria colonies. In fact each cubic foot of American Pond Bio-bits has over 500 square foot of surface area.
In addition to promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria the media also helps remove solid particles from the water when used in the ponds biological filter falls. This inexpensive biological media is perfect for do it yourselfers and professionals alike who are creating a new filter system or replacing existing media. The heavy duty filter pad bits are long lasting and should function for up to 3 seasons or more before replacement is needed.
Bio-Bits Filter Media Features:
- Over 500 square foot of surface area per cubic foot of media.
- Long lasting Polyester filter material will last for years
- Low cost approach for small or large ponds alike
- Available in a 1/3, 1 ,2, 4, 6 ,8,1 0 or 25 cubic foot box
General notes and tips:
- Place Bio-Bits media in filter box or area with flowing water for maximum results
- If media becomes filled with silt rinse in bucket of fresh pond water – do not use bleach!
- Media should remain under water – open air begins to kill of bacteria colonies
- Bacteria grow faster in warm water but still may take 8 weeks or more to fully establish their colonies
- A liquid or dry bacteria water treatment should be added on a regular basis to establish new colonies of bacteria as older ones die off.
American Pond Bio-bits are sold in bulk or with handy media bags. Each order is slightly compressed in order to reduce package waste and keep shipping free.
Free shipping on this item includes ground service to the US mainland only. AK, HI, PR, and any outlying islands are territories will require additional shipping. Please email for quote.